Francesca C.  Ghisetti 


Ruby Bay, New Zealand


Research Expertise


Structural analysis of fold-and-thrust belts, section restoration and balancing, stress inversions

Regional tectonics, structural analysis of active faults, structural modeling, fault/fracture permeability

Fault-controlled sedimentation and sedimentary basins evolution

Field mapping, subsurface mapping based on interpretation of seismic reflection data

Regional geology and tectonics of the Mediterranean region

Regional geological evolution and tectonics

Tectonic geomorphology, Neotectonics

Seismotectonics and seismic hazard assessment

GIS cartography applied to geological mapping



Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council - Geological Map of the Nelson-Richmond Urban Area and structural analysis of the Waimea-Flaxmore Fault System (in co-operation with M.R. Johnston and P. Wopereis).

West Coast Regional Council - Offshore Faulting and Earthquake Sources, West Coast, South Island, New Zealand (MSI Envirolink Project, led by P. Barnes, NIWA).

Geosphere, Lower Hutt (for L&M Petroleum Ltd. and Green Gate) - Geologic interpretations of seismic data, focused on structural setting and deformation style in the Waiau , Te Anau , and Murchison Basins , with surface and subsurface mapping , South Island, New Zealand.

TAG Oil, New Zealand - Structural style of deformation in the northern Tarata thrust belt, Taranaki Peninsula, New Zealand.

Genesis, New Zealand - Structural review the Taranaki Basin eastern margin, New Zealand.

OMV, New Zealand - Structural analyses and restorations of geo-seismic regional sections in the Great South Basin.

Todd Energy, New Zealand - Structural analysis, restoration of regional seismo-geological transects and tectonic reconstructions for the Taranaki Basin , Cape Egmont Fault and the onshore Taranaki Peninsula.

Mosman Oil and Gas, New Zealand - Structural setting of the Murchison Basin.

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